“Always look on the bright side of life!”

Hello loves,

Have you ever thought: “My life sucks. If only I could be more like so-and-so… Or “If only I had more money… or was better looking… or had more time…” ? Well, life situations may lead you to think that others have it easier than you do but the truth is that each and every one of us have problems, deal with disappointments and fail once in a while. No one’s life is perfect but there is one thing that will make a huge difference in how these setbacks affect your life and that is your ATTITUDE. A negative attitude can lead to depression making it harder for you to carry out simple tasks and rob you from any success you could have had. It will get you nowhere fast!

In addition, no one likes being around negative people so if that’s you, you need an attitude adjustment asap. Here are 3 simple things you can do to steer your attitude in the right direction.


Your attitude is highly influenced by what you choose to FOCUS on. You can decide to look at the glass of your life as half full or half empty. I suggest you look at it as half full and remember that your mind can play tricks on you and you have to control it before it starts controlling you. What narratives do you subscribe to when it comes to your own life? What are the stories you tell yourself? Rewrite the negative stories into positive ones.


We all have a story. It is loaded with ups, downs and lessons learned. Regardless of the details of each of our experiences the important thing is to see your story as your opportunity. Every negative experience you’ve had in life can be turned around to help others overcome, inspire hope and bring healing into broken lives. Like the popular saying says: “what doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger.” So instead of being crippled by life choose to be stronger today.


This is the most important step: decide to see life on the bright side. Positive people don’t become so by leading perfect lives, they choose to find a silver lining in every situation life throws at them.

Now let’s get practical! Here are 3 things you can do to help jump-start your positivity journey. First, begin everyday by listing all the things you are grateful for now. These things can be as small as the shirt you are wearing or as big as the family you were born into. Make this list as long as possible and read it when you are feeling down. Second, keep a journal. In this journal feel free to write everything you are feeling and going through at the moment and end each entry with potential solutions to your problems. I suggest you do this to remind yourself that you are more than a victim, you are an active participant in your life so you should adopt a proactive approach to your trials. Last, unload your burdens on God by praying and trust Him to help you get through it.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t succeed at this on the first try. Positivity and enthusiasm are like muscles, they need consistent training.

Stay Conscious + Chic!