This post is for all y’all drama queens out there! You know who you are. Those of you who say things like: “I hate my life.” or “I can’t believe this is happening to me. I want to die.”

Whoa… “I want to die.” Really???

Those are really strong words. Whatever your situation is, I am 100% sure that death is not the best solution to your problem. So, let’s get some perspective shall we?

Emotions like anger, sadness and discouragement are triggers. They reveal that something deeper is going on in your heart like: unmet expectations, disappointment, or betrayed trust. We all, at one time or another, find ourselves in these situations, they’re inevitable.  Now, the difference between feeling like your life is about to end and just having a bad day is how you manage it. Here are 3 things you can do to resolve the issue.

First, pin point what you are upset about and why? Next, remove yourself from the situation and assess it objectively. If you are unable to do so, talk to a trusted adviser who can help shed some light on it and offer solutions. Most importantly, don’t waste time in self loathing. Confront the issue head on, resolve it and move forward with your life. It will take courage to do this but you can do it.

Stay Conscious + Chic!