This quote is so true but we rarely think about ourselves in that way. Especially all of us people-pleasers out there (this includes me). From childhood we want to be loved by our families, liked by our peers, popular in our schools and successful in life in general. And today’s social media infused world doesn’t help with that issue. It has created a “look-at-me” society which can become really unhealthy. People become obsessed with the amount of LIKES they get on Facebook constantly altering their online lives in order to get more! Sounds familiar? I bet it does. But whatever happened to finding our sense of self within ourselves instead of the outside world? I think we need to go back to the basics and to our truest identity. Who are you? Really? Think about that and don’t be afraid to be just that because the people who are truly meant to be in your life will love the REAL YOU not who you think you should be!

Stay Conscious + Chic, xo