We all know women with annoyingly good skin! They say they don’t do anything special to their skin. They even claim not to have a specific skin care regimen and barely wash their face in the morning! Lies!!! The truth is: they’ve figured out what works for their skin and just don’t want to share! Well I did some research and today their secrets are finally being revealed!


1. Beauty is an inside job
I’m sure you’ve heard this before: beauty comes from within! This is true! In this day and age too much attention is being put on external beauty forgetting how much internal beauty matters. I’m sure you’ve come across a pretty girl who just had a bad attitude! What a turn off right? And this doesn’t end at our attitude though. It also includes our thoughts, relationships and nutrition. So the first habit you must adopt is taking care of your inner-self: drink lots of water, eat healthy, invest in healthy relationships and your own emotional health.

2. Wear sunscreen at all costs
I love getting my tan on in the summertime as much as you do! But remember: the sun doesn’t only give you a golden glow it can also burn, age and mutate your skin cells which can lead to skin cancer. So I can’t say it enough: wear sunscreen at all times even if you are in the shade. My lotion has SPF 30 and I wear it daily.


3. Get your beauty sleep on
This is one of the most beneficial habits. Besides feeling refreshed and energized in the morning, getting an adequate amount of sleep will also repair, rejuvenate your skin and make you look younger. Nighttime is primetime for skin renewal and cell turnover. You want your face to take advantage of that! Eight hours is the goal here. I know it’s an ambitious one but with proper planning you can do it!

4. Remember less is more
Find a balanced skin care routine that works for your skin. You don’t want to overdo it! Whether you are cleansing, exfoliating, hydrating or treating your face, too much of a good thing can throw off your skin’s balance and have adverse results.


5. Become a make up application master
Learn your face: the shape of your eyes, lips, cheeks, your complexion and skin sensitivity. Take the time to find products that agree with your skin in colors that complement your skin-tone and eye color. Also learn make up application techniques to best enhance your unique features. Not sure where to start? Visit the make up counter at your nearest department store. The makeup artists there will gladly help you and give you samples to try.

6. Never go to bed with your make up on
This one is a no brainer. Make up is wonderful when it comes to hiding imperfections and giving your skin a little boost during the day. But remember to remove it before bed because it can clog your pores and lead to unwanted breakouts. So each night wash your face and apply a nighttime treatment. I use pure vitamin E which hydrates my skin, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and repairs the skin around my eyes.

7. Have your dermatologist on speed dial
If your skin is acne prone or has another issue like rosacea or eczema, I recommend you see a dermatologist regularly even if the symptoms subside.

Now that you know better, do better!

Stay Conscious + Chic!
