life_is_10 Many of our  “life events” are punctual but have a lasting effect: the loss of a promotion, job, or loved one, a negative pregnancy test, etc.

A dear friend of mine, we will call her Nadine, married the man of her dreams three years ago. She and her husband moved into a beautiful apartment, they both had careers they loved and things seemed like they could not get any better when they did. She got pregnant. As most expecting parents they waited 3 months to share the news. Everyone in the community was ecstatic and couldn’t wait to see this baby but about a week after they made the big announcement Nadine had a miscarriage. She was devastated, scared and to make matters worst, the world knew.  Nadine had a choice to make: she was either going to fall into despair or mourn her loss and move on. She chose the latter. Of course, she needed time to process the death and recover from the medical complications that incurred and she did.  She took the time she needed to process all her emotions, get well physically but above all she chose to trust in an all-knowing God.

Every story no matter how tragic, holds in its womb an incredible opportunity. Nadine’s misfortune opened up the door for her to encourage other women who have had to deal with loss and to inspire an entire community to to get back up when you fall and trust God in every situation.

Nadine and her hubby, as she calls him, gave this baby making business another try and they are now the proud parents of a healthy 8 months old baby boy.

“Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.”

Stay Conscious & Chic!

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