I was mortified when I heard of the Rana Plaza tragedy but I wasn’t surprised. I was, unfortunately, already well aware at the time of the atrocities taking place in the name of fast fashion. 

Since, as most fashion activists, I love fashion and have high hopes for what it can be, I created Conscious N Chic, formerly Fashion With A Conscience, to shed light on the issues in the fashion industry and offer solutions to consumers like you and I. So what is ethical fashion and why do we even need to talk about this? I’m glad you asked because I recorded a short video on the topic along with 5 ways you can make your closet more ethical. To be notified when the video goes live tomorrow click here.

In the meantime here is a quick preview of the 5 ways you can make your closet more ethical:

1. Stop and take inventory of what you already own!
2. Invest in bomb classic pieces.

Stay tuned for the 3 additional tips and full video going live on YouTube tomorrow! Subscribe NOW and turn on the notification bell!

Stay Conscious & Chic!