It’s official, I’m starting a YouTube channel! Yes, Conscious & Chic is joining the YouTube community and I don’t mean in 3 months. July 11th is the date! So mark your calendars and read on to find out why I decided to get on YouTube and create a space for us there too. 

Before I go any further, in true YouTube style I want to remind you that you can subscribe now! Actually, I highly recommend you subscribe (now) and turn on the notification bell because, duh!

Now, on to the 5 Reasons Why I Am Joining YouTube:

1. I want to talk to you.

Let’s get the obvious out of the way, I like to talk! I am a communicator and do so in a variety of ways. I write, host (MC), public speak and the form of communication for which you know me most is blogging. Outside of my Instagram stories and the occasional Instagram video and newly IG TV, I rarely get the opportunity to speak to you all. But that is about to change thanks to YouTube. 

2. I watch a lot of YouTube.

YouTube has become the primary search engine I use as well as my #1 source of entertainment. If I want to know how to make something or am in the mood for a few good laughs, I go to YouTube. Since I consume a lot of content on this platform it only makes sense for me to contribute to the conversation especially since I have so much to share. 

3. It’s a natural progression.

I’ve been advocating and creating content around ethical and sustainable living for years. The Conscious & Chic fam has continued to grow and interest regarding this topic is rising. We are only scratching the surface and I am committed to taking this message to the next level. I believe YouTube is an essential part of that growth. The more people know about sustainability and ethical living the closer we will be to changing the world as we know it and insuring a better future for those we care about. 

Make sure you share the channel with your circle and let’s make ethical living the norm instead of the exception.

4. It’s a new challenge.

I am a risk taker and I welcome new challenges. When I did my first Tough Mudder, we were asked: “When was the last time you tried something for the first time?” That question stayed etched in my brain. Recording videos and producing YouTube content for you is one of the things I challenged myself to do in 2018 along with perfecting my Spanish. ¿Pero, why not?

I was encouraged to join YouTube years ago but the timing never seemed right mostly because I felt like I was too busy to start something new. But I’ve come to realize that timing is rarely perfect and it is what you make of it. Therefore, I am taking the leap, going all in and having fun with it.

5. It’s an opportunity to connect with YOU.

The main reason why I am joining YouTube is to connect with you on a deeper level.  Building a YouTube channel is a lot of work but it will give us the opportunity to connect more so it is worth it! I look forward to sharing sustainability tips, ethical fashion inspiration, beauty tutorials, vlogs, motivation and more with you. I hope you are as excited as I am.

Feel free to make video suggestions and special requests on social media. Don’t be shy! Let me know what you want to see because this is for you. Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / YouTube

Stay Conscious & Chic!






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