NOTE: I will be sharing 3 additional sustainable living tips in tomorrow’s newsletter. Sign up now so you don’t miss tomorrow’s send.

Journeying towards a more ethical and sustainable life is exciting and empowering. Like any major life change, it takes intentionality, determination and support. The latter is where Conscious & Chic comes in. There are a lot of resources and roads that lead to Rome.

Here are 6 simple ways you can be more sustainable this week.

1. Drop the bottle

Drinking water is very important for the body and crucial for healthy glowing skin. Unfortunately, bottled water creates a lot of plastic waste. Since most cities provide safe drinking water, a better alternative is to drink from the tap with a filter, if necessary. If drinking tap water is out of the question, I suggest you install a water cooler in your home.

2. Live the pre-loved life

I don’t know about you but I love shopping for thrifted and vintage clothing as well as accessories. You can find beautiful pieces that are unique and well-crafted without breaking the bank. If you want to take things to the next level, sell your pre-loved treasures before purchasing new ones. Win-win!

3. Eat, eat, eat…

But make sure it is local! Producing and transporting the groceries found in traditional supermarkets consumes a lot of fossil fuel energy. A more sustainable option is to shop locally. Depending on where you live, you can join a food co-op or shop at a farmers’ market. When eating out, I recommend you opt for a farm-to-table restaurant. Use Google to locate one near you.

4. Recycle 

Paper, plastic, furniture and clothing are often discarded too soon. I cringe whenever I visit a household or office where they do not recycle. All this unnecessary waste can easily be avoided simply by recycling. It doesn’t require a lot of time and is good for the soul.

5. Buy fair trade 

The fair trade industry has grown significantly over the last few years. You can find a variety of fair trade goods ranging from groceries to artisan-made fashion pieces that are as well-crafted as they are stylish. I feature an array of brands on the blog.

6. Walk it out

Whenever possible, do your best to walk or take public transportation. I am guilty of not feeling like walking to the pharmacy or grocery store although they are only 3 blocs away, especially if it’s cold outside. Either way, I motivate myself to do it because I know it is making a difference.

Start incorporating these habits into your lifestyle and let me know how it goes. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want me to expand on the above. I will be sharing 3 additional tips in this week’s newsletter. Make sure you sign up now!

Stay Conscious & Chic!